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Working in Germany

Germany is one of the countries that due to the favorable economic conditions and labor market is considered by many applicants from different countries around the world to work in Germany. Attractions in this country for the migration of high-paid people, good working conditions and high job security, which attracts many young people. In general, it can be said that today Germany has a very good job market for various fields, especially for engineers, as well as the services it provides to its employees, and due to the very low unemployment rate, this country is considered a safe destination. There are several ways to immigrate to this country through a work visa in Germany, which we will explore.

Working in Germany

Work in Germany - Work in Germany after graduation

In this case, the person applying for a job in Germany can find a job that is completely related to his / her field on job search sites or by filling out a form in various companies before completing his / her studies and canceling his / her student visa. The rules of this type of visa set a salary ceiling for each field, and the job applicant in Germany must find a job with the same characteristics and convert his / her student visa into a work visa. Having a German language degree will help you find a job and will be very useful. After 4 years of working in Germany and paying taxes to the government, the applicant can apply for permanent residence and receive German citizenship after 3 years, as well as for his family members can obtain residence in this country.

Work in Germany - Job offer

If a company or employer in Germany offers a job offer to a job applicant in Germany, the person has about 3 months to arrive in Germany and, if finally approved and getting a job in Germany, can apply for permanent residence after 4 years. Of course, the process of applying for a job is not so easy, and first the German company advertises the post in the newspaper of this country, so that if a German is found, the post will be given to him. Is repeated and again if the post is left vacant, a job offer is given to the job seeker in Germany. After two years of continuous work, the person can obtain a Blue Card and take his family to Germany, then Reach permanent residence for five years.

Working in Germany - Job seeker visa

Applicants for work in Germany who want to apply for work in Germany can apply for a job search visa in Germany if they have the necessary conditions and qualifications. The process of obtaining this visa is such that, depending on your degree and work experience, you are given a six-month opportunity to find a job in the same field. If you can find the employer you are looking for, you can stay in this country and after about two years you can get a German blue card. You can find the job you are looking for through job sites or by sending your resume to companies that need employees and choose one of the appropriate options to work in Germany.

Working in Germany

Working in Germany - General Conditions

Having at least a bachelor's degree in the intended field of work

Having at least 3 to 5 years of work experience related to the degree

Age under 40 years

German language certificate B1 or IELTS 6 (if their desired job is offered in English)

Circulation of the financial account, the exact amount of which is listed on the embassy website

Working in Germany - self-employment

According to German immigration law, you can stay in Germany through self-employment and work. It can be said that your self-employment visa is approved when you need your field of work in that country or you present a suitable economic plan (business plan). Even if self-employment is through a regular job such as setting up a hypermarket, the positive effects it has on the area in question and the strong financial backing of the project should be considered.

Factors that affect obtaining a self-employment visa to work in Germany are:

Experiences and work history of the job seeker in Germany

The amount of support capital (which is determined according to the job field of the applicant and the average costs of that specialty in the same period of time)

Implementation of the plan submitted by the job seeker in Germany

Impact on the economy of that region

Innovation and novelty of the given idea

_The impact of the plan on employment and work in the region

Regional need for that job

In the labor laws in Germany and immigration to Germany through self-employment, before 2012 you had to hire 5 Germans to be able to meet the requirements, which this law has removed and you also do not need to know German. It was not easy to immigrate to Germany through self-employment.

Steps to apply for a self-employment visa to work in Germany:

To work in Germany and obtain a self-employment visa, you first present your economic justification plan and the bank account supporting the plan, as well as your purpose for pursuing and continuing the plan to the embassy. If you agree with your plan and a visa is issued to you, you will apply for company registration. If you do not have temporary residence in this country, according to the current laws of this country, you will not be able to have a bank account and register as a company; Therefore, you should get help from a German person, and we will provide you with a suitable solution to solve this problem.

If you are applying for a job in Germany, you are a student of a good government university that is approved by the German government or you are known as a researcher